Maria is featured in Tutto Dressage!
"Maria Nella Dell’Orbo, an Italian rider and dressage trainer, has turned her love for horses and her passion for riding into a successful international career. Originally from Vigevano, with roots in the Marche region, she has embarked on a journey that has led her to become a leading figure in dressage. From her degree in Sociology to her training in Ireland and the UK, to the creation of the DO Dressage project, Maria shares her philosophy based on respect for horses, personal growth and the continuous pursuit of excellence. In this interview, she tells us about her extraordinary journey, the challenges she has faced, the successes she has achieved and the dreams that still guide her."
The article is linked here.
An English translation is available here.

Kylian qualifies for Italy ... again!
Kylian qualified for Italy in inter 1 at Hickstead! It was the first time he had ever performed the test at any show, so this is a great achievement for him and Maria. He is now qualified for small tour; PSG and inter 1.

Hickstead Premier League 10-12th May
A good show for Maria! Kylian managed 6th in the PSG without even a perfect test and Emaro performed his best Grand Prix to date. Sadly Emaro did not like the speakers and this reflected in his inter 2, but he picked himself up spectacularly for his big test on Saturday.

Addington Premier League 26-28th April 2024
Emaro and Kylian did themselves proud at Addington Premier League. Emaro and Maria did their first Premier League Grand Prix bringing home a respectable score! It was Kylian's first say away show ad he produced a good PSG with the judge at C commenting 'stunning horse'! A great start to the season for the boys and Maria.

Belmoredean 18th April 2024 - Kylian qualifies for Italy!
Kylian and Maria had a shaky start at Belmoredean before the bell, but Maria settled him down brilliantly and qualified for PSG for Italy! A great start at 65+% for the pair who, despite some very expensive missteps, really showed us what they are capable of.

Belmoredean 21st March 2024
Emaro and Maria achieved their best mark yet in Grand Prix at Belmoredean last Thursday with a personal best of 66.52%! They are making a great start to the season in their preparation for the start of the spring/summer British Dressage premier league shows where they will be competing at Grand Prix and Inter 2.
See the competitions page for the highlights video!

Belmoredean 7th March 2024
A solid start to the season for Emaro and Maria at Belmoredean getting ready for their first season at the highest level. They achieved first place and consolidated their international qualification. See the competitions page for the highlights video!

DO Dressage sponsors World Horse Welfare (1st March 2024)
We are delighted to announce that today DO Dressage became a corporate stableyard sponsor of World Horse Welfare, sponsoring Hall Farm in Norfolk. We are so very proud to support the essential rescue work done by World Horse Welfare. At DO we place horse welfare at the heart of everything we do. We sometimes say 'no horse left behind'! The horses recently rescued from the transporter in Dover (see story here) deserve our support as much as Emmy or Kylian who are international athletes and we are delighted to make this a reality.

Kylian joins us! (18th January 2024)
DO Dressage is delighted to announce that Kylian Riche D'Apardi has joined us! Another advanced horse for Maria, they will be working on their partnership for the next few months. Kylian is a 9 year old KWPN gelding (Firestone x Lancet) and we are working on settling him in to be comfortable in his new home alongside his uncle Emaro M!

Belmoredean 16th November 2023
Emaro and Maria stepped out at Grand Prix in competition for the first time in November, with a score of 64.35%!! This is a great achievement for the pair, going from Medium to Grand Prix in two years. Maria can now ride Grand Prix for Italy and we look forward to seeing her at CDI 3* in the 2024 season.

Belmoredean 21st September 2023
Alles of Niks had an outing at Belmoredean and scored respectably at PSG! Nixy isn't the easiest horse to manage at shows as he is very sensitive, but he excelled himself in the PSG!

Addington Premier League 28-30 April
Emaro and Maria had a great show at Addington Premier League. In their first premier league inter 2, they made the top 10 with 67.4%! One of only two non-British riders to do so and against established riders like Andrew Gould (Team GB). It is a fantastic achievement, they are having a great start to the season!
For the highlights video see our competitions page.

Belmoredean 20th April 2023
Well they just keep getting better! Emaro M and Maria are beginning the season by smashing through personal bests! They scored 68.97% in inter 2 at their most recent Belmoredean test; their best ever percentage in any FEI test to date. A great start to the season!

Belmoredean 6th April 2023
Emaro and Maria produced another personal best at Belmoredean riding scoring their best ever mark in an FEI test! They showed how their training towards Grand Prix is progressing with 66.91% at inter 2. They just keep getting better!
Olivia officially an international groom!
We are very happy to announce that Olivia has become one of only approximately 600 members of the International Groom Association in the UK! She should be proud of the work she does, show groom isn't an easy role. It requires superb organisational skills and the ability to keep going with a smile when all else is chaos!

Press: Out and About Dressage, 6th March 2023
Emaro M and Maria were featured in the online magazine Out and About Dressage this week in an article about riders who are excited for the summer season. We hope you enjoy reading this section of the bigger article!

Clinic 5th March 2023
Our Travelling Groom Olivia Hayes rode Flash (aka Donny) at a clinic with International list 1 judge Mary Ann Horne. They did all at DO Dressage proud and had a good time!

Hascombe 18th & 23rd February 2023
Emaro and Maria kicked off the season with two local shows at Hascombe Equestrian Centre over the last couple of weeks. After a hard winter of training, they were moving up the levels doing two Inter II tests. They are looking towards a season where they will raise the bar once again. Grand Prix is now within reach!

British Dressage Winter Regionals 2023
Team DO is proud of Emmy and Maria for qualifying for the British Dressage Winter Regionals at inter 1. Maria has decided not to compete in the Regionals because she wants to concentrate on the internationals this season, but we are nevertheless proud of Emmy and Maria's achievement!
This photo is after the qualifying test at Bury Farm High Profile show 2022!

Celebrating our season
We have put together a video to celebrate the 2022 season. It has been a great season for Emaro and Maria. In our video, Maria discusses her background and the season in which she achieved numerous personal bests, started riding for Italy and competed in her first international.
Keysoe International CDI3* 7–9th October 2022
Emaro and Maria rounded off their season in style at the Keysoe International CDI3*. Placing 13th in the Inter 1 with 64.3 it was an excellent first international for the pair and a superb end to the season. What a season it has been for them, first Premier League in April to first International in October with so many personal bests along the way. At DO Dressage we couldn't be more proud!

International place confirmed!
FISE (Federazione Italiana Sport Equestri) have confirmed Emaro and Maria's place at the CDI3* at Keysoe in October. Maria will ride small tour - PSG and Inter 1 - in the competition and possibly Inter 1 freestyle!

Bury Farm High Profile Show 26–28 August 2022
Emaro M and Maria had a great show at Bury Farm scoring their highest inter1 mark, their highest mark at a Premier League/High Profile show and placing for the first time! An amazing achievement for the pair in their first season together and at this level for both horse and rider.
Maria's message is always; it's never too late, never give up on your dreams.
The highlights video and more photos are on our competitions page.

Maria and Emaro secure their place for their first international!!
Riding at Belmoredean on 28th July 2022 Emaro and Maria secured their place at Keysoe CDI in October. Scoring yet another personal best, this time in inter 1, they made their first CDI a certainty. What an amazing season it has been, from their first Premier League at Keysoe in April to their first CDI in Keysoe in October. Amazing progress!!
The highlights video is on our competitions page.
NAF 5* Hartpury Festival of Dressage 5th – 10th June 2022
Emaro M and Maria achieved another personal best at Premier League, this time in inter 1! A good show to continue a season of learning and improving. The pair are looking forward to their first international later in the year!
The highlights video and more pictures can be found on our competitions page.

Maria is confirmed as an Italian International Rider!
We are so happy and proud to announce that today Maria has been officially confirmed as an Italian International rider. This season continues to go from strength to strength as Emmy and Maria get better and better. Maria said: “I am proud to be able to say that if you really believe in a dream you make it reality”

Wellington Festival of Dressage 7th – 12th June 2022
Emaro M and Maria achieved a Personal Best in PSG and at Premier League at the dressage festival at Wellington Riding! They had a great show, also increasing their level to inter 1, where they showed promise and held their own. This pair are having a great first season in Premier League, raising their level and learning a great deal.
The highlights video and more pictures can be found on our competitions page.
(Photographs by Lottie Elizabeth Equestrian Photography)

Hickstead Dressage Festival 12th – 15th May 2022
Emaro M and Maria continued their journey into the Premier League tour with two PSG tests at the Hickstead All England Showground. Maria's trainer said that the pair had come a long way and held their own with the best at the show. The standard around them keeps rising and they are meeting the challenge.
The highlights video and more pictures can be found on our competitions page.
(Photographs by Spidge photography)

Keysoe International: British Dressage Premier League
29th April – 1st May
29th April – 1st May
Emmy and Maria stepped up and stepped out at Keysoe International in their first British Dressage Premier League show. It's a big step and there was a lot to like as well as a lot to learn. Our story is always about a woman's dreams and the hard work of getting there, and the work goes on! Maria said she finally felt at home! To have raised their game to this level is fantastic, it is such an exciting season for the pair.
The highlights video and more pictures can be found on our competitions page.
(photographs by Kevin Sparrow)

Golden Cross 9th April 2022
Another first for Emmy and Maria, this time at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre. They came first in class and second overall! The pair continue to build towards more challenges later in the year ... the hard work continues!
The highlights video can be found on our competitions page.

April 2022: Maria is taking on new clients for training!
As well as being a professional dressage rider currently riding at PSG level premier league, Maria is a BHS Accredited Professional Dressage Coach level 5. She teaches adults one to one and she can coach a session with up to four riders. She also teaches younger riders who are keen to advance through the levels of dressage.
She can either come to you or you can bring your horse to her in East Sussex (though numbers are limited). Please use the contact form to get in touch with Maria about training.

Belmoredean 24th March 2022
Emmy and Maria have completed their first FEI Prix St. George test. They scored well, coming first in their class and second overall, a result to be proud of! Maria said: “I feel really at home! It is good to score well and know that we can improve, so the sky’s the limit!”
The pair are looking forward to more PSG tests in April and May. They earned themselves the opportunity to advance later in the season, but for the next few months Team DO will concentrate on success at this level.
More pictures and the highlight video are on our competitions page!

Belmoredean 10th February 2022
Emmy and Maria started the new year in style with a win at Belmoredean having moved up a level from last year. She and Emmy performed well, doing everything they needed to get all they needed to progress during 2022. Maria said "Every time we go out I learn something new. Emmy is magic!"
Manella trains with Vicki Thompson-Winfield who was pleased with the performance describing it as the first big milestone for the pair who have come a long way in a short time.
For more pictures and to see the highlight video, go to our competitions page!